Destiny's Mha Rewrite Wiki


The states included in the Unified States of America are New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine.

The Unified States of America have become significantly less bigoted and more accepting following the Civil War that separated them from the United States of America in 2476. This shift has made it easier for transgender individuals to transition, allowed queer people to marry, and recognized transgender individuals according to their gender identity. Additionally, discriminatory practices, including gendered bathrooms, locker rooms, baths, and other facilities, have been addressed and eliminated. Nonbinary individuals are now legally recognized as a gender as well. These changes reflect broader societal shifts aimed at combating racism, transphobia, homophobia, ableism, discrimination against individuals with mutant quirks, and other forms of bigotry.


The Unified States of America has adopted the names and uniforms of the responders for their emergency services.

The firebreathers have replaced the firefighters in the Unified States of America.

Police officers.

All of the following items will be painted using Responder's paint.

The SWAT team is equipped with a standard-issue pump-action shotgun, featuring optional modifications such as a standard receiver, calibrated receiver, hair-trigger receiver, hardened receiver, true receiver, speedy receiver, refined receiver, snappy receiver, vicious receiver, tuned receiver, severe receiver, scorched killer's receiver, standard barrel, medium barrel, long barrel, stabilized short barrel, stabilized medium barrel, stabilized barrel, true short barrel, true medium barrel, true long barrel, aligned barrel, aligned medium barrel, aligned long barrel, standard grip, bruising stock, stabilized stock, true stock, aligned stock, forceful stock, reliable stock, standard sights, no muzzle, and suppressor.

The SWAT team is equipped with standard-issue Excavator power armor, featuring optional modifications such as an internal database, sensor array, targeting HUD, rad scrubbers, headlamp, hydraulic bracers, optimized bracers, rusty knuckles, blood cleanser, core assembly, emergency protocols, kinetic dynamo, medic pump, motion-assist servos, reactive plates, tesla coils, welded rebar, calibrated shocks, cooling vent, kinetic servos, optimized servos, and overdrive servos.

The SWAT team is equipped with standard-issue T-45 power armor, featuring optional modifications including an internal database, sensor array, targeting HUD, VATS matrix overlay, rad scrubbers, recon sensors, headlamp (blue, bright, purple, red tactical, Vault Boy), blood cleanser, core assembly, emergency protocols, jet pack, kinetic dynamo, medic pump, motion-assist servos, reactive plates, stealth boy, tesla coils, hydraulic bracers, optimized bracers, rusty knuckles, tesla bracers, calibrated shocks, cooling vent, kinetic servos, optimized servos, and overdrive servos.

The SWAT team is equipped with standard-issue T-51b power armor, featuring optional modifications including an internal database, sensor array, targeting HUD, rad scrubbers, recon sensors, VATS matrix overlay, headlamp (blue, bright, purple, red tactical, Vault Boy), blood cleanser, core assembly, emergency protocols, jet pack, kinetic dynamo, medic pump, motion-assist servos, reactive plates, stealth boy, tesla coils, hydraulic bracers, optimized bracers, rusty knuckles, tesla bracers, calibrated shocks, cooling vent, kinetic servos, optimized servos, and overdrive servos.

The SWAT team is equipped with standard-issue T-60 power armor, featuring optional modifications including an internal database, sensor array, targeting HUD, VATS matrix overlay, rad scrubbers, recon sensors, headlamp (blue, bright, purple, red tactical, Vault Boy), blood cleanser, core assembly, emergency protocols, jet pack, kinetic dynamo, medic pump, motion-assist servos, reactive plates, stealth boy, tesla coils, hydraulic bracers, optimized bracers, rusty knuckles, tesla bracers, calibrated shocks, cooling vent, kinetic servos, optimized servos, and overdrive servos.

The SWAT team is equipped with standard-issue X-01 power armor, featuring optional modifications including a targeting HUD, internal database, recon sensors, sensor array, VATS matrix overlay, core assembly, blood cleanser, emergency protocols, jet pack, kinetic dynamo, medic pump, reactive plates, stealth boy, motion-assist servos, tesla coils, rusty knuckles, optimized bracers, tesla bracers, hydraulic bracers, kinetic servos, calibrated shocks, explosive vent, optimized servos, and overdrive servos.


Over all.

All of the following items will be painted using Responder's paint.

The Responders have a standard-issue backpack with optional modifications, including armor plating, lead lining, and insulation.

The Responders have a standard-issue Pip-Boy 2000 Mark VI.
